#25 DeepMind + Google join forces

AND: Brady and Schumacher AI lawsuits

We hope your week has been as productive as ours!

Something exciting is coming your way next week - all we can say is that it’ll bring you some real value.

But without getting ahead of ourselves, there’re some absolutely massive developments in AI you need to hear about.

So without further ado, let’s dive into this week’s final issue.

In today’s newsletter:

  • Top News: Google and DeepMind join, Brady and Schumacher sue AI Deepfakers, Google introduces generative AI to ad campaigns

  • The Rundown: AI bringing back lost voices, AI-boosted vaccines, Shkreli develops AI physician chatbot

  • Tips, Tricks & Tools: AI design hlper, website data scrapers and AI voice assistant

  • Meta’s $725M Cambridge Analytica settlement: Claim your share

  • Politically correct AI: It’s all about framing

Top News 🔝
Three biggest stories if you’re in a rush

Launched back in 2010, Shane Legg and Demis Hassabis’ DeepMind aimed to “solve intelligence, advancing science and benefiting humanity.” Now, in an earth-shattering announcement, Google CEO Sundar Pichai announces the joining of DeepMind and Google Brain, to form Google DepMind.

The partnership comes in an effort to:

“help solve the biggest challenges facing humanity…and together, we have a real opportunity to deliver AI products and research that dramatically improve the lives of billions of people, transform industries, advance science, and serve diverse communities.”

Suffice to say, this new collaboration places Google in good stead to challenge the OpenAI/Microsoft supremacy in the modern AI race.

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Tom Brady and Schumacher family threaten legal action over AI-generated video

Comedians Will Susso and Chad Kultgen used AI to create an hour-long video in which Tom Brady performs stand-up comedy. Displeased with the production, Brady issued a cease-and-desist order to the comedians, forcing them to take the video down.

In a similar case, creators generated an AI interview with Formula 1 great, Michael Schumacher. Since his tragic accident in 2013, Schumacher hasn’t been seen publically - until the “deceptively real” interview from German weekly magazine “Die Aktuelle”. The Schumacher family are planning serious legal action against the magazine.

Given the recent rise of nonconsensual AI imitations of celebrities and online personalities, this development holds promise for those seeking to protect their personal interests when others Deepfake them, showing those who are victims of AI identify fraud or Deepfakes do have at least some degree of legal recourse.

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In an effort to boost profit margins, Google will use generative AI in it’s advertising strategy to create “novel” advertisments for its users. Users will be able to provide “creative” content such as imagery, text and video relating to a particular ad campaign, which the AI will take and mix to generate unique content tailored to target audiences and sales goals.

The Rundown 🐂
Deeper dive into trending stories

  • Stack Overflow, the programmer Q&A website joins Reddit in demanding compensation for tech giants using it’s data to train new AI bots. (link)

  • Secret list of behind-the-scenes websites that make AI like ChatGPT sound so smart. (link)

  • 62% of Americans believe AI will have a major impact on job holders over te next 20 years. (link)

  • Snapchat releases its AI bot to all users for free. (link)

  • First-ever AI fashion week debuts in New York City, welcoming in a “new realm of creation”. (link)

  • Protein shells designed using AI can work as carriers for immunity-inducing molecules, which could make vaccines more effective. (link)

  • GPT-4 powered glasses & earpiece brings the technology into your real life, listening to your conversations and telling you what to say next. (link)

  • Microsoft and Epic expand their collaborative efforts to enhace patient care and improve financial integrity of medical systems globally. (link)

  • European Union lawmakers have a unique opportunity to pass regulations that will ensure AI is used to protect, not to surveil. (link)

  • Patients who lost their voice due to disease can turn to AI to save them and re-create their voices. (link)

  • Moderna & IBM team up to use AI technology to develop future mRNA vaccines. (link)

  • Martin Shkreli, recently released from prison for his 2015 scam of manipulating Daraprim’ s price by 4,000%, announces his physician chatbot. (link)

Tips, Tricks & Tools ⚒️
Discounts, trials and productivity-boosting hacks

  • Browse AI - Extract and monitor data from any website - no coding required. (link)

  • quest AI - Automatically convert your designs into responsive, live websites. (link)

  • Alan AI - Boost user engagement and add an AI voice assistant to an app. (link)

  • Hypotenuse AI - Next-level AI content creation for blogs, ad copy, and product descriptions. (link)

  • Figma AI - Figma plugin that acts as a copilot for designers. (link)

Meta’s $725M Cambridge Analytica Settlement
How to claim your share

Meta, formerly Facebook, has agreed to settle for $725 million for sharing user data with Cambridge Analytica, the AI-data augmented company behind Trump’s presedential election scandal.

Current or former Facebook users who used the platform over the past fifteen years are entitled to submit a claim for their share of the multi-million dollar class action settlement.

This article has detailed instructions on how you can claim your share, with the lawsuit website linked in the image below.

Politically Correct AI
It’s all about framing your response

We’ve all gotta be careful with what we say and how we say it.

OpenAI and chatGPT are most certainly no different - but you’ve already noticed that.

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