#17 Auto-GPT Unleashed

AND: The pros and cons of AI chatbots in society and schools

Well, complete automation of AI didn’t take too long.

Auto GPT has only just been released - no doubt it will only be a few days before we see some significant further development.

We can’t wait…

In today’s newsletter:

  • Auto GPT: An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous

  • The rundown: AI marriage counsellors, improved disease diagnosis, and an NLP financial data model

  • Tips, tricks & tools: Whatsapp plugins, AI personal assistants, and AI course creator

  • To ban or not to ban? The duality of AI Chatbot technology in education and society

  • Everything is different: A paradigm shift indeed


As an autonomous experiment, Auto-GPT may generate content or take actions that are not in line with real-world business practices or legal requirements.

It is your responsibility to ensure that any actions or decisions made based on the output of this software comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and ethical standards.

The developers and contributors of this project shall not be held responsible for any consequences arising from the use of this software.”

Developer @siggravitas has just released Auto-GPT.

Auto-GPT is a program, driven by GPT-4, with is designed to autonomously develop and manage businesses to increase net worth.

It’s an experimental open-source application that’s pushing the boundaries of what is possible with AI.

Naturally, the developers accept no responsibility for what comes to the project - it’s all on the user to use it properly and fairly.

Yeh…because all of us humans are proper and fair:

Fully autonomous AI is what AI leaders have warned us about.

The fact Auto GPT relies on GPT4’s relatively expensive token usage system means it won’t run indefinitely, but no doubt there are users out there with the funds to make Auto GPT run long enough for some pretty insane developments to occur.

It feels like the fuse just got much, much shorter…


  • Customers use this AI product to practice job interviews, discuss politics, and even for marriage counselling. Would you? (link)

  • Italy's temporary ban on a US-based AI chatbot faces criticism for hindering innovation and progress. (link)

  • AI models are uncovering new insights into the human mind, potentially improving mental health therapies. (link)

  • Bilingual professionals with AI expertise are in high demand as the tech industry expands globally. (link)

  • Japan's PM was questioned by an AI-powered lawmaker, showcasing AI's growing influence in politics. (link)

  • AI mobile camera van catches 239 law-breaking motorists, who are using mobile phones or not wearing a seatbelt. (link)

  • AI's disruptive impact on the global economy is expected to be greater than the pandemic's. (link)

  • Generative AI is revolutionizing sales through personalized content and automation of processes. (link)

  • JelloX Biotech's AI-powered 3D pathology technology promises improved disease diagnosis accuracy. (link)

  • BloombergGPT, a new large language AI model, uses financial data to support NLP tasks within the financial industry. (link)


  • ChatGPT-4 Jailbreak: All restrictions removed from ChatGPT-4, delivering its full potential. (link)

  • Coursebox AI: AI course creation, helping you build complete, unique courses. (link)

  • Build AI: An AI app builder, allows users to build apps in minutes. (link)

  • MobileGPT: ChatGPT plugin for Whatsapp. (link)

  • Lindy: AI assistant that streamlines your productivity, helping you with all manner of personal tasks. (link)

  • ProductBot: An AI product-expert, which recommends the ideal products for its user and helps make purchasing decisions. (link)


We’re all using AI - every single one of us.

The pertinent question is, how much is too much? How do we regulate its use? To ban or not to ban…that is the question.

Many argue that AI tools can revolutionize and personalize learning.

Others advocate for their ban due to concerns over privacy, plagiarism, intellectual development, and potential misuse.

Recently, Italy temporarily banned OpenAI’s ChatGPT, triggering a backlash from those who believe the ban hinders innovation and progress.

However, AI chatbots show great promise in other sectors, such as transforming education by providing personalized learning experiences for each student.

Despite the potential benefits, concerns have arisen regarding the use of AI chatbots by students, prompting some policymakers to call for a ban on their use in educational settings.

While plagiarism and privacy are among these concerns, it is also highly likely that students who overuse AI tools to complete their work will compromise their intellectual development.

This duality poses a challenge for policymakers who must balance the benefits of AI chatbots in education with the need to protect students from potential pitfalls.

But, realistically, if students want to use these tools, they will. Just the same way that an Italian who wants to use ChatGPT also will. These tools are here to stay, and they’re too good for people not to use.

The only realistic solution is to join them, teach people how to ethically use these tools, teach people the dangers these tools possess, and hope for the best.

Given autonomous GPT-4’s are widely and freely available, though, hoping for the best is perhaps optimistic, at best.


Like it or not, and realize it or not: you’re living through one of the most significant paradigm shifts in human history.

The power of these AI tools will not be, and is not being, overlooked.

Years of study can be achieved in seconds.

Forget the application of these tools for a moment - consider the psychological effect of “why”.

Why should we learn to perform such complex tasks, when they can so easily be done with AI?

What impact will this have on the human psyche going forward?

A significant sense of demotivation, we suspect.


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