#84 Sam Altman: Fired & Hired

Plus: Child workers of AI

From boardroom backstabs to global tech tussles, it's like watching a soap opera, but with more code and fewer love triangles. Today's AI headlines are spicy enough to make a robot blush!

In today's whirlwind of AI news, we've got Sam Altman playing musical chairs from OpenAI to Microsoft, Meta disbanding its 'Responsible AI' team (because who needs responsibility in AI, right?), and Europe trying to tame the AI beast with some new rules. It's a mix of high-stakes tech drama, ethical quandaries, and regulatory hopscotch. Let’s dive in.

In today’s newsletter:

  • Hottest stories: Hiring and firing, Bye bye responsible AI team, and EU AI act

  • TL;DR Rundown: Child workers, future of music, and AI data wars

  • Meme: Satya says

Today’s biggest stories if you’re in a rush 

Sam Altman's ride at OpenAI hit a bump when the board handed him his walking papers, hinting at a “lack of candidness in boardroom conversations.” This power shake-up at OpenAI, a titan in the AI playground known for its heavy-hitting tools like GPT-4, wasn't just a boardroom drama. It was a signal flare in the tech world. Quick on the draw, OpenAI roped in Mira Murati, their CTO, as the interim CEO. This move wasn't just about filling a seat; it was about keeping the AI giant's ship steady and on course.

Now, here's where the plot thickens. Microsoft, in a move as swift as it was slick, snagged Altman. This wasn't just any high-profile hire; it was a chess move. Microsoft had just flashed a billboard-sized commitment to AI, announcing a beefy, multi-year investment and tightening its embrace with OpenAI. Altman joining the Microsoft bandwagon wasn't just a headline; it was a harbinger of some serious AI ambitions taking flight.

The stock market gave this a big, fat thumbs-up. Microsoft's shares not just ticked up; they hit a peak. This wasn't just investor joy; it was a bet on Microsoft's AI future, now supercharged with Altman in the mix. In the ever-twisting saga of AI, this chapter marked a high-stakes play in the grand tech game, with AI as the golden goose everyone's eyeing.

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Meta's shaking things up. The Responsible AI (RAI) team? That's history. But it's not what you think. This team, the brains behind keeping AI on the straight and narrow at Meta, is dissolving, but its mission isn't. Once tackling everything from diverse data in AI training to preventing the odd AI hiccup across Meta's social empire, these pros are now embedding across the company. Think of it as AI vigilance going company-wide.

Now, Meta's not backing down from the AI game. Far from it. The focus is shifting to generative AI - the kind that's eerily good at mimicking human chit-chat and visuals. The RAI team's break-up is part of the plan as Meta gears up to double down on AI, but with a keen eye on safety and ethics.

And let's zoom out: This isn't just a Meta narrative. AI's on the world stage, with governments from the U.S. to the EU mulling over how to keep this tech in check. Meta's move aligns with a trend where big tech - think Google, Microsoft, OpenAI - are banding together to set AI safety standards.

So, as Meta marches towards a more efficient, streamlined future under Zuck's "year of efficiency" banner, the AI safety baton is just being passed around, not dropped. The RAI team's spirit lives on, just in a new, Meta-wide avatar.

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In the corridors of European power, there’s a new AI gameplan brewing. Germany, France, and Italy – three of the EU's big hitters – have shaken hands on how to rein in AI. Their mantra? Keep it real, responsible, but don't stifle the tech magic.

Here's the deal: it's all about "mandatory self-regulation." Think of it as AI with a conscience. The big idea? Regulate the AI applications, not the tech. It's like saying, "Play nice, but go ahead and invent."

Next up: model cards. Picture them as AI's report cards, telling you what the tech can do, and maybe more importantly, what it can't. It’s about clarity, without the clutter.

And who's going to keep tabs on all this? Enter the proposed AI governance body – the new hall monitors for Europe's AI playground. They're not swinging the sanction stick yet. It's more of a "let's see how you do" approach, but don't rule out a timeout corner in the future if the tech steps out of line.

As for the EU bigwigs – the European Commission, Parliament, and Council – they're in on this too, piecing together Europe's stance on AI. The goal? To strike a balance between sparking innovation and keeping AI in check. It's a tightrope walk between tech freedom and ethical guardrails, and Europe's aiming to nail it.

A gentleman’s agreement 

Listicle of what else is happening today 

Digital Disguise: AI's getting misused by romance scammers on dating apps, creating ultra-realistic profiles to dupe love seekers. It's a high-tech twist on the old con game, turning the quest for love into a digital minefield of fakes.

Synthetic Singers: DeepMind's AI is stepping onto the stage, eerily mimicking pop stars with spot-on vocals and visuals. This tech marvel is stirring the pot, blurring lines between real artists and AI impersonators.

Misguided Machine: A flawed AI system in healthcare is wrongly pushing elderly folks out of necessary care, with a staggering 90% error rate. It's a tech nightmare, spotlighting the risks of AI in life-impacting decisions.

Open AIverse: France's Kyutai is pouring €330 million into AI research and they're sharing everything. This open-source approach is aiming to democratize AI, turning it into a global collaborative playground.

Data Domination: China's ramping up its AI game, setting up a new data agency to fuel its ambitions in the AI and digital space. It's a strategic play in the tech arena, positioning China as a data heavyweight.

AI GovTech: The U.S. government's embracing AI, employing tools like ChatGPT to upgrade public services. It's a move that mixes tech innovation with governance, aiming for more efficient and accessible services.

AI's Musical Mingle: YouTube's exploring AI's role in music creation, experimenting with algorithms to compose new melodies. It's a creative leap into the future of music, where AI could become a regular in the studio.

Chatbot Farewell: Discord is saying goodbye to its AI chatbot Clyde, a decision reflecting a strategic pivot in their AI engagement. This move highlights the evolving role and challenges of AI in social platforms.

Young Laborers: Children are being used for AI data labeling, raising serious ethical concerns about their exploitation in the tech industry. It's a troubling aspect of AI's advancement, calling for more responsible practices.

AI's Dark Side: Text-to-image AI models are being manipulated to produce unsavory content, exposing a vulnerability in AI's content generation capabilities. It's a cautionary tale about the potential misuse of AI technologies.

AI-Politics Blend: Argentina's elections are seeing a surge in AI-driven strategies, with algorithms playing a key role in shaping political campaigns. This tech infusion is reshaping the political landscape, emphasizing AI's growing influence.

Tuned by AI: Spotify's teaming up with Google's AI to tailor podcast and audiobook suggestions, pushing personalized listening experiences to new heights. It's a partnership that's redefining the art of content recommendation.

Said Satya to the board: 

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