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  • #83 Seeing what AI can do in our day-to-day lives

#83 Seeing what AI can do in our day-to-day lives

Plus: The dark, dark side of AI

In today's AI extravaganza, we're looking at a future where Bill Gates’ AI assistants make Siri look like a digital dinosaur, and investors are using AI to play Sherlock Holmes with CEOs' speech patterns. While AI is busy saving the planet by tracking icebergs faster than you can say "global warming," it's also stirring the ethical pot, making us wonder if we're stepping into a sci-fi reality where our tech knows us better than we know ourselves. Let’s dive in.

In today’s newsletter:

  • Hottest stories: Bill Gates has a prediction, AI interpreting exec-speak, and AI doing work so much better than humans

  • TL;DR Rundown: NVIDIA’s China chip wars, crazy new AI pin, and 40 years for a sick shrink

  • Tool of the day: hu.ma.ne 

Today’s biggest stories if you’re in a rush 

Bill Gates sees a future where AI agents redefine our tech interactions. Envision a world where these AI assistants are tailored to your needs, understanding and responding to natural language. This shift promises to make dealing with software more intuitive, less about technical know-how.

What's crucial here is the scope of change. It's a disruption, not just an evolution. The software industry might have to pivot, embracing new business models and development strategies. This change could mirror the leap from typing commands to the simplicity of tapping icons, making our interactions with computers more conversational, less mechanical.

The implications are vast, affecting everything from daily productivity to the economy and societal norms. It's an unfolding future, filled with potential and excitement, as we edge closer to a more integrated, AI-enhanced world.

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The trend of using AI to interpret the language of executives in investment strategies is gaining traction. At the forefront is Robeco, a firm managing over $80 billion in algorithmically driven funds, now integrating audio signals detected through AI into its investment strategies.

This approach goes deeper than the spoken word, analyzing the tone, pace, and other subtle cues in an executive's speech. These elements can reveal more than their actual words. For instance, an executive's reassuring words about their company's future might be belied by a tone or hesitation that suggests uncertainty.

By picking up on these cues, investors can gain a more nuanced understanding of a company's real prospects, beyond the polished narratives of earnings calls or interviews. This could lead to more informed and astute investment decisions.

However, this strategy also brings ethical considerations to the fore, particularly regarding personal privacy. As AI continues to advance, navigating these ethical challenges will become increasingly essential.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a game-changer in the fight against climate change. It's now stepping up to monitor the rapid melting of icebergs, a task where AI outpaces humans by a staggering 10,000 times. This efficiency is a game-changer when analyzing massive data sets, like satellite imagery.

Using images from the European Space Agency's Sentinel-1 satellite, AI systems are now able to detect icebergs with a remarkable 99 percent accuracy. This isn't just about replacing human effort; it's about enhancing what we can do. As we grapple with complex issues like climate change, AI's role is set to become more integral, empowering us to make more informed decisions and tackle these challenges head-on.

Looking ahead, AI's future promises a world where technology is not only more intuitive and personalized but also deeply attuned to our needs. It's a vision of a future where AI is a critical ally in understanding and responding to the world's most pressing challenges.

A gentleman’s agreement 

Listicle of what else is happening today 

AI Showdown: Justine Bateman's not holding back. She's calling out SAG-AFTRA for an AI deal that might just put actors' rights on the line. Hollywood's in for a reality check – AI's knocking on Tinseltown's door.

Training Troubles: Generative AI's getting pricier to train, and it's the small tech firms feeling the pinch. It's an underdog struggle in the AI world, where big money speaks louder.

Betting on AI: Recession who? AI startups are raking in the cash, thanks to investors who see AI as tomorrow's big thing. It's a vote of confidence that AI's more than just a buzzword.

Google's Interest: Google's eyeing CharacterAI, and it's not just casual. This potential deal's a clear signal: AI's where the smart money's at, and Google's not missing the boat.

Tech Fashion: The Humane AI Pin isn't just another gadget – it's the next wardrobe must-have. Silicon Valley's latest is less about screens, more about seamless tech integration. Who said fashion can't be smart?

Office Overhaul: Say goodbye to mundane tasks. The latest AI assistants are stepping in, ready to tackle those yawn-inducing office chores. It's not just about efficiency; it's about revolutionizing how we work.

Chip Tension: Nvidia's latest move? Crafting new AI chips to keep China in the loop. It's a strategic dance of tech and geopolitics, with Nvidia playing both innovator and diplomat.

Language Leap: Samsung's Galaxy is getting a brain boost with AI live translation. It's not just about breaking language barriers; it's about making every call a potential global connection.

Disturbing Discovery: In a shocking turn, a North Carolina psychiatrist gets 40 years for using AI to create child porn. It's a grim reminder of AI's dark potential when ethics are thrown out the window.

AI products and developments you should know about 

Today’s tool is the hu.ma.ne AI pin.

We’re not affiliated with it of course, but you need to see this, particularly the promo video. This just might be one of those moments when our behavior changes, yet again.

AI helping everyone, everywhere

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