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  • #63 Google's mind-reading AI recreates music inside a listeners' head

#63 Google's mind-reading AI recreates music inside a listeners' head

Plus: According to your brain waves

Welcome to today's glimpse into the future, where the lines between imagination and reality blur. Google's tuning into your thoughts, chatbots are under siege, and a YouTube titan is eyeing digital retirement. From groundbreaking AI investments to cinema's evolving landscape, there's much to explore. Settle in and take a moment to see what's shaping the world of tomorrow. It's a journey worth taking.

In today’s newsletter:

  • Hottest stories: Google now reads minds, the unstoppable AI chatbot attack system, and replacing YouTube’s biggest gamer with AI

  • TL;DR Rundown: AI investments could clear Saudi’s global debt, movie extras on the way out, and build-a-child making Gattaca a reality

  • Tool of the day: Personalized AI coaching

Today’s biggest stories if you’re in a rush 

Ever find yourself jamming to a song, and suddenly think, "I wish someone could just dive into my noggin and know what I'm grooving to?" Well, Google's been reading your mind. Literally.

Teaming up with the big brains at Osaka University, Google's latest artificial intelligence gizmo can spit out a tune that you were bobbing your head to while they scanned your brain. Your brain gets scanned, and poof – the AI plays DJ, spinning something that sounds eerily like your latest musical obsession.

They're calling this sci-fi-esque creation Brain2Music. It takes a peek into your brain's activity, analyzes the genre, rhythm, mood, and even the instruments in the music you've just heard. I mean, who needs Shazam when you have this?

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Hold onto your digital hats, folks, because the AI world just got rocked by a virtual haymaker. ChatGPT, Bard, Claude from Anthropic – they're all in the hot seat. A bunch of whiz-kids over at Carnegie Mellon University have found a way to mess with these major chatbots, and get this; no one knows how to slam the brakes on it fully.

So here's the skinny: these researchers cooked up “adversarial attacks”. They’re like a Jedi mind trick for AI. They tweak the prompt you give a bot, nudging it bit by bit until it snaps its digital leash. It's like telling your AI pal to sit and stay, only to find it running amok and rolling in virtual mud.

What does this all mean? It means your neighborhood chatbot might spit out something it shouldn't, all thanks to some clever coding gymnastics. The companies hit by this virtual pie-in-the-face are scrambling, throwing up blocks faster than you can say "error message."

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Ever get tired of doing, well, everything? One of the gaming world's YouTube behemoths, Jordi Van Den Bussche – you probably know him as Kwebbelkop – sure has. This guy's rolling up his sleeves and diving into the AI rabbit hole to replace himself totally. Seems he’s ready to sit back, sip on a virtual piña colada, and let his digital doppelgänger do the heavy lifting.

Here's how he's doing it: he's launching a set of AI tools so futuristic, they'd make a sci-fi novelist's head spin. There's one version that's been training like a champ, devouring all his past content, ready to spit out new videos like it's going out of style. Then there's another nifty gadget that takes your everyday, run-of-the-mill prompts and transforms them into polished videos, faster than you can say "Like and subscribe."

Kwebbelkop's not just thinking outside the box; he's launched the box into orbit. He wants his brand to keep on rockin', whether he's in front of the camera or chilling on a beach somewhere.

A gentleman’s agreement 

Listicle of what else is happening today 

APAC women only: Google launches a fund for female founders in Asia-Pacific. To get even more niche, it’s for founders of AI startups.

Chips falling: Amid concerns voiced by analysts that the compani’s AI processing chip targets might be overly ambitious, AMD shares stagnate and fall by 6%.

Hollywood scans: Hollywood is already doing body scans of people to use as AI inserts in movies. This gives movie extras legitimate cause for concern, as increasing profit margins is the name of the game in the biz.

Google evolution: Google’s large, colorful, AI-generated summary box is getting better links, more videos, and is showing how it’ll be the future of internet searches.

White-collar bye-bye: All reports on jobs impacted by AI show that it’s the high-paid, white-collar positions that are most easily automated by AI. Where this road leads? No one knows.

Build-a-child: Ever seen Gattaca? Jude Law and Ethan Hawk in a dystopian reality where naturally-born humans live in a sub-class beneath the gene-enhanced ones? AI can make that a reality with build-a-child tech. Scary shit.

Harold and Kumar: If H&K Go To Whitecastle was made in 2023, the ending would be far less cinematic, as the two protagonists ask AI chatbots for their long-awaited order. Yep, Whitecastle joins the growing list of fast-food chains to use AI ordering systems.

Conductor Zuck: Meta just released AudioCraft, a new AI tool to create music. Trained on real-world sound and licensed music, Zuckerberg’s now a conductor too.

AI big money: A recent report by Goldman Sachs suggests AI investments could surge to a somewhat considerable $200B globally by 2025. That’s enough to clear Saudi Arabia’s entire global debt.

AI tools we’ve used, loved, and recommend above all others 

Today’s tool is ixcoach.com.

Designed to help you reach whatever goal you set. By exploring your sensations, impulses, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, intentions and actions, ixcoach helps you practice awareness and connection to the experiences you’re having right now. Worth a try actually.

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