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  • #61 Biden's AI position makes him history's weakest president

#61 Biden's AI position makes him history's weakest president

Plus: Biology+AI is here

Woodrow Wilson is remembered for leading the United States into WW1, Reagan as the actor who survived an assassination attempt, and we remember Clinton for saying, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” Biden’s still in office, but he’s already being touted as “the weakest president of them all.” His recent announcements on AI don’t really help his case.

In today’s newsletter:

  • Hottest stories: Biden’s undefined guardrails, biology+AI, and Cyrus sold early

  • TL;DR Rundown: Judeo-Christian values governing American war AI, media literacy is CRUCIAL, and AI at the dentist

  • Tool of the day: One-stop-shop for your ads and content strategy

  • Shower thoughts: Other people’s thoughts for your brain food

Today’s biggest stories if you’re in a rush 

Adversaries have called Biden “the weakest president we’ve ever had.”

Discussions about the relative impact and worth of US statesmen are far beyond the scope of this humble newsletter, but let it be said: Biden has well and truly put his foot down on large tech companies, Amazon, Google, and Meta included, as these tech giants voluntarily agree to implement guardrails aimed at managing the risks of unchecked AI development.

Now, in case you were wondering: no, no one specified what the guardrails are, but nonetheless, isn’t it refreshing to see major tech players publically committing to public safety and taking their roles seriously? What happens in private and what they’re actually doing, we don’t know - but so long as they agree to “voluntary guardrails,” whatever the fuck those are, everything is fine and dandy. Perhaps the adversaries aren’t that far off.

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In a nutshell, researchers in Melbourne, Australia, are trying, and succeeding, to merge biology with AI. I can’t recommend you read this article strongly enough, because the research team has already managed to make a Petri dish full of brain cells play a game of “Pong.” It’s, quite frankly, awesome.

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All’s fair in love and war - especially war between cofounders of companies with billion-dollar valuations. Cyrus Hodes is alleging that Emad Mostqaue tricked him into selling his 15% stake in Stability AI, which they cofounded, for just $100, just three months before the company secured its $1B valuation. I feel ya, Cyrus, but you can’t have had too much belief in the project or an understanding of what it was capable of if you sold 15% of anything for $100.

A gentleman’s agreement 

Listicle of what else is happening today 

New-wave commandments: According to American Air Force generals, American war AI is more ethical than adversaries’ because it is founded on Judeo-Christian values. Oh the irony.   

Working double: Despite claims hailing AI will replace workers, employees are claiming that this year’s advent of AI tools has more than doubled their workload.

Generation preparation: Kids are nonchalant in their interactions with AI, simply taking it at face value. It’s a rude awakening, how easily this revolutionary technology (for older generations) is just part of the future reality for younger generations. Will we teach them, or they teach us, how to interact with it?

Acting existentialism: Actors are calling AI-generated “synthetic” actors an existential crisis. Well, lawyers, engineers, writers, and artists can all claim the same thing too.

More than reading: In the AI age, media literacy, or understanding news sources and publishing motives, is one of the most important skills to learn. Otherwise, who knows what is what.

Google journalism: Google is in discussion with journalists and publishers on how to enhance AI tools for journalists, to spread true and accurate news, instead of deepfake bullshit.

DentistGPT: I can’t think of anyone who likes a human dentist, let alone a robot one. That’s not going to happen (at least not yet), but dentists are still benefiting greatly from AI. Here’s how.

Review this: No word of a lie, 95% of consumers read online reviews before buying a product. With more and more of these reviews AI-generated, it’s a battlefield.

AI tools we’ve used, loved, and recommend above all others 

Today’s tool is aiter.io.

Anyone who owns a website or sells products and services online will absolutely love this tool.

It’s like the smartest marketing friend you ever had, who gives you all the best ideas to get your website in front of the right people, immediately.

Text ads, strategy ideas, content topics, keywords - this thing has the lot. If you sell something online or want more traffic to your website, definitely check this out.

Ponders from Reddit

  1. The scariest part about Artificial Intelligence is not how complicated it is, but how simple Human Intelligence is to mimic. LINK 

  2. Natural stupidity will kill us faster than Artificial Intelligence. LINK

  3. Someday, the term “Artificial Intelligence” may be considered a racial slur. LINK

  4. By the time AI knows how to pass the Turing Test, it will also know how to fail it. LINK

  5. If humans ever become enslaved by AI, the Amish are going to be so pissed. LINK

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