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  • #57 Humans interview AI humanoids in Geneva

#57 Humans interview AI humanoids in Geneva

Plus: LLMs performs well in hospitals

If you’re an average YouTube user, you’ll spend around 50 minutes per day on the platform. If you’re anything like us though, you won’t recall the majority of what you watch. But YouTube aims to fix that, by introducing AI-generated quizzes that ask viewers questions about the content they just watched. We expect “kitten plays with large dog” to feature heavily in the answers.

In today’s newsletter:

  • Hottest stories: Humanoid eye rolls, positive signs for medical LLMs, and 65% of top AI companies are founded by immigrnts

  • TL;DR Rundown: Chinas Midjourney, a costly deepfake scam, and 300 Japanese robots

  • Tool of the day: Find some inspiration, go on.

  • Paradigm shift: Story time has a new meaning 

Today’s biggest stories if you’re in a rush 

Watching this press conference is like witnessing something from a bad sci-fi movie; only it’s real.

In a room full of press and media, generative AI humanoid robots sit next to their handlers and answer questions from a room full of reporters. It isn’t easy to know if the answers are prompted or on the spot, but one thing is for sure - what this press conference shows is a very near future where robots and humans coexist in everyday life. It’s not just on our phones or on our laptops, or on our screens - this technology will soon walk among us.

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Since April, Mayo Clinic research hospitals have been trialing Med-PaLM 2, Google’s medical AI chatbot.

Trained on a “curated set of medical expert demonstrations”, the model excels at healthcare conversations, to the extent it outperforms some medical professionals in dealing with patients. Google states the model will be particularly useful in countries that have limited access to doctors, and given the US’s, the UK’s, and Europe's’ healthcare systems, along with the rest of the world, we’d say Med-PaLM 2 will be useful just about everywhere.

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The American dream - the idea that anyone can achieve anything, given that availability of opportunity is equal to any American. Given that some individuals have the motivation, drive, foresight, and ability to leave their own nation and make it somewhere new, it’s hardly surprising that many become highly successful in the US. In particular, the field of AI, where the demand for talent far exceeds supply, opportunities are abound, with highly skilled and motivated workers reaping the benefits of America’s “equal opportunities.”

A gentleman’s agreement 

Listicle of what else is happening today 

300 robots: Japanese AI robotics arm company Telexistence secures $170M in series B funding round, as it promises to install its AI robots in 300 FamilyMart convenience stores across Japan.

Deepfake scam: British consumer finance champion Martin Lewis has gone to Twitter, saying a recent deepfake video featuring him endorsing an investment opportunity is a scam by criminals trying to steal money. DO NOT TRUST ANYTHING YOU SEE ONLINE.

YouClever: YouTube is set to trial AI-generated quizzes that test viewers on educational video content.

Send in the robots: Robots will start delivering UN food aid to high-conflict areas as soon as next year. With attacks intensifying on aid workers these past twelve months, using robots to deliver supplies to those in need could be a way to help those in need and protect aid workers at the same time.

StableChinaAI: China’s Alibaba releases Tongyi WanXiang, an AI tool that generates images from text, much like StableDiffusion. Alibaba’s offering is more focused on Enterprises instead of public use.  

Sarah Sueman: Sarah Silverman is suing OpenAI for allegedly illegally using her works to train their models. If they did use it, it probably was to show the model what a bad joke looks like.

I prompt, you pay: Follow this guide to landing a truly 2023 job - that of a highly-paid prompt engineer.

Can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em: Michigan photographers who were initially against generative AI photograhy are now using it to “boost their creativity” (and no doubt their profit margins too).

Human+AI>human: “I don’t think anybody’s job on the creation side will be taken by AI, but it will get taken by a human using AI.” Unity’s CEO succinctly sums up what AI will do to the workforce.

AI tools we’ve used, loved, and recommend above all others 

Today’s tool is selfgazer.com.

An entirely free tool, selfgazer adds an AI interpretation to your tarot card readings.

I’d never used tarot cards before playing with this program - but it’s fun.

What’s more, it will make you think of something totally different from what you’ve been thinking for these past few months. Seriously, go ahead, click here to open the program, put aside 5 minutes, and do a reading. Ask a genuine question, read the responses, close your eyes, and do the imagination exercise. It’s refreshing. Tell me how you felt below.

After the tarot reading, did your mind go somewhere else, even if just for a second?

It’s getting harder to leave the house 

Connecting AI-generated story-telling with real-world sensations

“Storytelling time” is about to take on a whole new meaning, with Lovense, the remote-controlled vibrator brand, releasing their new erotic storytelling sex toy.

The Advanced Lovense ChatGPT Pleasure Companion (sexiest product name ever?) combines ChatGPT’s erotic generative storytelling with a reading app and a vibrator.

Users request a story from GPT (whatever they desire). The app then reads the story to them, which is synced with the users’ vibrator. The vibrator intensifies according to the story's plot.

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