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  • #55: Schwarzenegger and Cameron were right about AI

#55: Schwarzenegger and Cameron were right about AI

...Forty years ago!

Forty years ago, James Cameron scripted this famous line: “I’ll be back.”

Earlier this week, Arnie, the man who delivered that line reflected on his role as The Terminator - “It’s not fantasy or futurism anymore.” If that’s the case, what will people like Sam Altman be saying in another forty years? We shudder to think.

In today’s newsletter:

  • Hottest stories: Immediate translation means no need for linguists, UK universities agree on the least particular principles possible, and another open letter, but this one calls for less regulation

  • TL;DR Rundown: Clones in Hollywood, Cameron was right back in 1984, and tech workers get the boot

  • Tool of the day: Don’t like your voice? No worries - there’s an AI for that

  • Google’s AI sucks: Find out why 

Today’s biggest stories if you’re in a rush 

Remember the Rosetta Stone? The artifact that taught modern humanity to read Egyptian hieroglyphs and unlock the secrets of Ancient Egypt? It took researchers 20 years to decipher.

Now get this - AI just deciphered a cuneiform text (chiseled onto a stone tablet) in a matter of seconds. Don’t know what cuneiform is? Shame on you - it’s only the oldest form of writing known to humanity. No more need for expert linguists and Indian Jones - just get the computer to take a glance at it and we’ll know all of ancient humanity’s secrets in a flash.

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I solemnly swear:

  • I’ll support students and staff to become AI-literate

  • I’ll adapt teaching and assessment to incorporate the ethical use of generative AI and support equal access to the technology

  • I’ll work collaboratively to share best practices as AI evolves

These are the main guiding principles that 24 Russell Group universities have signed with regard to AI in further academia. No how-tos, no instructions, but that’s what the principles are.

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The saying “they don’t know their arse from their elbow” has never been more relevant. Earlier this year, Musk and the rest signed an open letter calling for stricter AI regulation. Less than ten weeks later, the same mob is signing another open letter warning against over-regulation. They want to protect their companies, they want to protect their jobs, but they want to cash in on AI at the same time. Morals, financial goals, and personal ideologies are blending into one confused slurry in 2023 - with companies and individuals clearly not sure how to act.

A gentleman’s agreement 

Listicle of what else is happening today 

AI’ll be back: In a surreal reflection on the 1984 hit film “The Terminator,” Arnold Schwarzenegger recently said how the possibility of self-aware machines is no longer a fantasy; it’s kind of a reality.  

I resign! AI-generated news has sparked rumors that SEC chair Gary Gensler has officially handed in his resignation. Good, bad, true, or false? 

Thou shall not clone: Legal reps and lawyers are in for a hell of a bumpy ride, with movie studios very interested in using AI deepfake technology to insert a real actor’s face over a stunt double or place a digital version of an actor in a film. It’s all very possible - but is it legal?

Greyparrot waste not: Humanity produces over 2 billion tonnes of solid waste a year. Greyparrot, an AI startup that analyzes rubbish at waste and recycling facilities, is trying to reduce that by categorically showing what is being thrown away.

Is that MY voice!? Don’t like the way you sound? AI’s got your back. Voice.ai, a real-time voice changer with 480,000 users, just raised $6M in funding, so if you don’t like the way you sound, you can change your vocal identity.

For Humane’s sake: The AI Pin, a clothing-based wearable designed by San Fransico startup Humane, can project an interactive interface onto a nearby surface - and replace your smart phone. Minority report is here.

Walk the AIsle: Surprise, surprise, AI has generated this season’s batch of in vouge wedding dresses. And, surprise surprise, they’re based on Disney heroines.

AI fantasy league: Be the top nerd and beat all your mates with Artifootball Intelligence - use AI to draft the best players.

See ya later, techie: AI is already making waves in the industry that created it. Tech is one of the hardest and earliest-hit industries in the AI-layoff. This is just the beginning.

AI tools we’ve used, loved, and recommend above all others 

Today’s tool is voice.ai.

No one likes who they are these days, do they? That’s why self-improvement books are through the roof. That’s why confidence courses are at all-time high sales. That’s why everyone spends hours at the gym each day, and hours either stuffing our faces with excess calories or staring longing at a lump of cheese trying to restrict caloric intake. So if everyone is ACTIVELY changing their appearances and personalities, why not change the way they speak, too?

May as well make the transformation complete with voice.ai, an AI tool that will change your vocal identity too.

The coolest picture you’ll see all day 

Good job Google, great work. Way to keep it real.

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